Thank you for visiting the consultation website for the Ismaili Trust’s proposals for a new, single-storey funeral ceremony pavilion situated within a wider landscaping design at Land at Hale in Farnham. 

Drop-In Session

As part of the Trust’s commitment to engaging with the local community in Farnham, we would like to invite you to a drop-in session where you will be able to talk to the Trust and members of the project team about the planning application.

The details of this session can be found below:

Date: Thursday 6th July 2023

Time: 5:30pm to 8pm

Location: Daniele Sicilian Restaurant & Hotel Lower Hale, Farnham
Surrey, GU9 9RP

If you have any further questions, you can contact the project team at [email protected]

If you would like to see further details of the scheme, the full planning application can be viewed on Waverley Borough Council’s planning portal with the following reference: WA/2023/00087