Benefits of the Proposals

Community Asset

The Trust do not currently have an appropriate building that allows for funeral preparation and ceremonies to be carried out near the burial ground. As such, there is an opportunity to deliver a special place for families to say goodbye to loved ones, with the building ancillary to the cemetery use.

Exceptional Design Quality

Níall McLaughlin Architects, Stirling Prize Winner 2022, have designed a building of exceptional quality, fit for such a purpose and one which is responsive
to the special landscape setting. This is an ethos
the Trust has demonstrated with regards to other buildings, such as the Ismaili Centre in Kensington and Aga Khan Centre in King’s Cross, which are responsive to their environments.

Safeguarding Against Coalescence

The proposal would preserve the settlement gap as it would ensure the long-term future of the land as a burial ground, for which planning permission already exists. This would protect against speculative residential applications which would lead to additional built form.

Biodiversity Net Gain

The proposals will result in a 20.22% increase in habitat units; and a 34.82% increase in hedgerow units in biodiversity. This exceeds the 10% required by the Environment Act 2021.

Carbon Offsetting

The afforestation of the site (over 300 trees) will make a significant contribution towards Council’s aim to become carbon neutral by 2030.

Church Car Parking

Provision of land for 23 car parking spaces for St John’s Church.